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search engine positioning

best company to get your web site listedAbout Us
Domain Hits has consistently ranked as one of the top ten search engine optimization firms in the country; Top SEO Firms by Internet Companys, Top SEO Company by Organizations Worldwide and the winner of the Best Internet Company category by Top SEOs. Located in beautiful East Northport, NY Domain Hits has become well known as one of the most reliable and affordable companies who offer search engine positioning services. Our staff provides organic search engine positioning services, strategic link building services and full service pay-per-click management.   


long island sypware remover 						companies Besides following strict search engine guide lines, we are also in the business of taking care of our clients computers by removing spyware and virus infections. We stay current with dozens of newsletters, blogs and forums relating to our industry. We are always experimenting with our own testing sites to prove or disprove various theories about how traffic gets directed to web pages. We market and stay up to date on this ever changing industry by attending search engine related conferences.


SEO Company
Our founder Chuck Bongiorno first discovered the incredible effects of search engine marketing in 1998 while developing web sites for his own company Northern Restorations Inc. a landscape contracting company. After years of conventional marketing efforts he discovered that search engine positioning far exceeded all other forms of marketing combined. Within less than two years of focusing on search engine optimization efforts, the company saw record-breaking sales with large gross revenues.

Chuck initially launched Domain Hits by assisting florist company's like Michaels Flower Shoppe of Jamaica, New York. Michael's is one of the the largest full service florist in Queens, New York. He helped get them listed on all the top search engines and was found on the first page of google etc. A majority of those very first clients are still with us to this day. Over the years Domain Hits has helped many companies and has produced literally tens of thousands of top rankings. Today, our goal remains the same: To offer ethical, effective and search engine optimization while providing excellence in results and customer service. Call us at 1-631-848-1156 or visit our online form page.

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