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Wedding Cakes

The wedding cake is a piece of art you can eat. We love to describe the art of creating a wedding cake. We have seen the popular pineapple upside down wedding cake that had the smallest layer on the bottom. Brides have plenty of choices of filling, like zesty lemon and strawberry Gran Marnier. A lot of brides will pick a different filling for each layer. We have seen the most elaborate pictures and designs of the one-of-a-kind beauty that becomes a delightful focal point at the wedding. Also creating whimsical grooms' cakes that feature things like three dimensional boats sculpted from chocolate or a sugar paste fish leaping out of the top of a cake while the tip of its tail is poking out the side.

Make sure your cake is made from a company that creates all their cakes from scratch, using only the finest ingredients. Strive to have a cake made which is most delicious and looks good too. We believe that rolled fondant is the ideal icing for a wedding cake. For one thing buttercream limits design possibilities. It also doesn't hold up as well, especially in heat. Rolled fondant is the most elegant type of cake and it makes for a moist cake. If they want something different, rolled fondant is the way to go.

Art can be ornate or it can be simple and unadorned. As with other elements of modern weddings there has been a trend toward smaller, less complex cakes. We have noted the trend toward the simple and have seen more orders for cakes that have fewer layers and less adornment. Basket weave has gotten to be very popular. People are looking for something different, breaking away from tradition. One thing that creates a different look is putting layers on different pedestals rather than the traditional tiered look.

Traditional wedding cakes are also simple, usually a white or yellow cake with an almond buttercream icing, some roses and a simple border. We find pineapple filling to be popular. We suggest ordering your wedding cake at least a week in advance.

If you want a fancier cake, a piece of original art, leave more time for the artist to create. The most popular times for wedding cakes are April and October. If your wedding falls during these months be sure to order well ahead of time. Whenever you get married, and whatever type of cake you choose, don't forget to save part of it for your first anniversary. As overwhelming as wedding day can be, your anniversary may be your first chance to truly savor the artwork.

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