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Welcome to Silk Bouquets

Wedding Design and Consultation

Planning the Flowers
Every wedding is special, and to always remember that your bridal bouquet was the most beautiful and precious thing to you on your wedding day is one of the most pleasing thoughts for the rest of your life. We will work with you to create something old or something new - for you, your bridal party and the celebrations afterwards. We provide a full bridal flower service including bridal head pieces, bridal party decoration, flowers for your ceremony, and the elegant celebrations afterwards. Visit our Wedding Tips and Trends section to see what this seasons favorites are.
Beautiful wedding flowers come from a very special dedication - a dedication to a new bride. We limit the number of weddings we do on any weekend to only one - yours. We understand this from experience and being able to properly service your wedding, letting you have our personal attention, and by using the best in domestic and international flowers. Before you contact us you should already have your date and the time and place of your wedding ceremony and reception chosen, and know the styles and colors of the wedding gowns for your bridal party.

Types of Weddings
We provide floral services for weddings of all sizes and in many different styles - gardens, boats, function rooms, hotels, restaurants - the list is endless as you probably already have realized. Whether you are inviting 20 guests for an informal affair or 500 for the full and traditional celebration, we can design traditional or contemporary arrangements that will enhance your day.

Where we work

We are located on Long Island, doing weddings in temples, churches, hotels, gardens, in homes, restaurants, and on beaches. The largest room can easily be turned into an elegant, enhancing affair or a small down to earth elegant soiree. Ceremony flowers, are delivered at least two hours before the wedding ceremony and a designer can stay with you until you are ready to walk down the aisle, making sure your bouquets are all tended to, corsages are in place, and headpieces are straightened. Reception flowers are designed and installed that morning, and a member of the design team can be present until the celebrations begin -  giving you the personal attention and peace of mind you need on the most important day of your life.

What does it cost?

Unlike many companies in the floral business, we do not offer package deals since we believe that every wedding is unique, and should be planned so accordingly and priced to your own specifications and within your budget. It is very important to us that every bride is happy with what we do for her, and we will give you the personal attention you need throughout the planning process. We want you to be happy. We want you to feel special.
One of the most common and important questions every wedding service provider is asked is "how am I going to fit this within my budget?" The simple answer is that you must figure out the things that matter to you most and then the things that you want as additional requests - this probably will hold true for any part of your wedding - but by figuring out what you want most, and choosing the types of flowers and the right colors we can fit it to your budget. By talking and listening with brides, we are able to find ways of meeting their requests.

When and how do I pay?

When you have decided to use Larkfield Flowers as your personal floral designer for your wedding, a deposit holds the date. Any balance is due in full ten business days prior to your wedding day. Specialized flowers may need to be ordered in advance and so we ask that you decide upon the types of flowers you want as soon as possible in the planning stages. Payment can be by cash, money order, or credit or debit card.

An interview?

If you have chosen your location for the ceremony and reception, and you have decided upon the colors and styles for your wedding party, you are ready to sit down for an interview. Please call for an appointment so we can discuss your needs and wishes in more detail.
Yes, an interview - but we'll be gentle, we promise. We just want to find out from you what you want for flowers, arrangements, bouquets, corsages...   We will even meet with you at the location for the wedding, so we can discuss and co-ordinate with the banqueting or catering managers and wedding planners.
Based upon your desires, we will try to give you ideas to enhance a particular dress, ceremony or reception site. Please try to have a sample of the color of your dress and your bridesmaids, or at the very least a picture of the dresses you have chosen. If you have seen bouquets and arrangements in magazines or books please bring them with you. If you have something in mind that you want specially created, try to sketch it out on paper. By sharing your ideas with us we will be able to turn concepts into realistic floral designs and arrangements that emit your personal taste and style.

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Northern Restorations Inc. -- DBA Larkfield Flowers -- DBA Bongiorno's Contracting
240 Elwood Road, East Northport, NY. 11731
For Customer Service or to place an order, call 1-631-848-1156 between 9 am and 6 pm EST Monday - Saturday -- Larkfield Flowers and Gifts All rights reserved.
Larkfield Flowers is a Trademark of Northern Restorations Inc. Please send any comments or suggestions to