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Today's beautiful wedding gowns will be tomorrow's treasured antiques. The best way to preserve your memories and have a gown you can pass down to future generations is to have your gown heirloomed by professionals.

Most any good Dry Cleaner business can heirloom your gown for you. If they cant they will send it out to a company that specializes in heirlooming. The gown will be carefully cleaned and then boxed in a way that helps maintain its shape and preserve the delicate beading and lacework. Some companies will also place accessories like garter, gloves, hats and shoes in the box.

There are some things you can do to help protect your dress and assure that it is preserved in good condition. At the least, be sure to have the gown cleaned within a couple weeks of the wedding. When stains have had a chance to age and oxidize they're much more difficult to remove.

Other tips:

Put on make-up before donning gown, or cover the bodice and shoulders of the dress with a towel while applying make-up.

Some perfumes can remove the color from such fabrics as silk and acetates, so be careful with the application of fragrance.

Put a sheet on the floor while dressing and cover the car seat too. A long dressing can generate a good deal of static electricity, which attracts dirt.

Pollen can stain fabric. Ask the florist to remove stamens from flowers. Brush off pollen, rather than wiping with a wet cloth.

Wet confetti stains. Don't use confetti if it rains.

If you spill something on your dress, wet the stain and dab with a clean cloth. This probably won't remove the stain but it will dilute it and make it easier for the cleaners to remove. Don't try to wipe a stain with a colored napkin. Leave lipstick and grease stains to professionals.

Proper care today will mean a beautiful family heirloom in the future that your own daughter may choose to wear on her wedding day. What a beautiful way to preserve your cherished memories.

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