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There are many things to learn about wedding invitations. Ask your local Printer the difference between wood fiber paper and 100% cotton paper. They should explain the difference between the printing processes: flat printing, thermography and engraving. They should explains that the number of guests being invited does not equal the number of invitations you must send out (a family of four receives one invitation, not four). We feel uniquely qualified to educate brides because we are professional bridal consultants.

We like to take the time to get a feel for the couple and what they want to convey to their participants and guests. If you use a gorgeous, very formal oversized invitation it makes an overwhelming impression. You know you're going to an event. For second marriages the choice is usually a simple card instead of the more ornate foldover. We see as many second weddings as first weddings.

There is alot more to offer than the selling of an invitation, there should be a lot of time spent with the brides. Good Printers will have a price for every budget from traditional to very unusual. They usually have there own paper and cardstock and do most of the printing in-house, which means lower costs.

Most designing of your invitations can be done in-house from artists so the result is unique and impressive. For a more standard invitation, you can do simple one-color, no-border jobs in-house or they can give you invitation books to look through. The fancier invitations get sent out to be printed but either way the turnaround time is a week or less.

The most traditional wedding invitation is issued in the name of the bride's parents. It is on a cream or ivory card of thick quality. The card is engraved on the outside in black ink with a simple border. The inside of the card is blank. Included in the envelope is a reception card that gives details about the reception. Response cards are also included. They are either in postcard format, already stamped, or come with a stamped, addressed envelope. This is the tradition. For a very formal wedding the card might be engraved with gold ink and include a pew card that tells special guests where they will be seated at the wedding.

For most weddings it's not necessary to stick to tradition on every detail. Many modern invitations are printed by thermography instead of engraving. Thermography is less expensive but still offers the raised letters that you can feel when you run your hand over the card. Thermographically-printed invitations are a little shinier than the engraved, but perfectly acceptable for most situations.

There are so many choices it can be overwhelming. Look to the experts. They can help you pinpoint the invitation that best expresses your style.

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