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There's nothing like pulling up at the church in a limousine to make you feel like royalty on your wedding day. This is probably the number one reason for hiring a limousine. Other justifications, if they're needed, are safety and comfort. On a day when there are a million things to be juggled and all are equally important, it can be a big relief to leave the driving to someone who isn't distracted.

Because the whole point of hiring a limousine is to arrive in style, with time to collect yourself in plush surroundings, you want to be sure to avoid any rude surprises on your wedding day. Be sure to check out your limo service ahead of time, so you know exactly what you'll be getting.

One of the best ways to choose a limousine service is to get word-of-mouth recommendations. Talk to a friend who used a limousine for their wedding. We can suggest recommend a good limousine service. Then go visit the business. Look at the limousines. Our best advise is that you check the cars to be sure they are well-kept. Also be sure the drivers wear appropriate chauffeur's attire. Another consideration, if you will be using more than one car, is whether you can get two or three vehicles of the same body style. The number of limousines used in an average wedding is two. The bride, her father, and the bridesmaids ride in one and the groomsmen ride in the other.

Other things to discuss with a limousine company are insurance coverage, licensing and qualification of the drivers and, of course, rates. Services usually have a minimum reservation time. Most Limousine companys havea minimum of three hours, which they find to be about the right length of time for the normal wedding. But they warn that in April, during prom season, demand is so heavy they have a six-hour minimum, and if you don't reserve early, the cars will all be gone. The minimum is usually 2 and a half hours. Even if it isn't prom season it's a good idea to reserve your limousines early.

An important issue to discuss with a limousine service is punctuality. It is very important that the limousine be reliable and punctual. But don't be surprised if they turn the tables on you and make a few suggestions of their own. We suggest you tell the bridesmaids to be ready a good twenty minutes before the car is scheduled to arrive. Often drivers arrive on time only to find no one is even dressed yet. Groomsmen can be even worse. they're the first to be late. So make sure everyone is adhering to the schedule.

If you decide to forgo the limo, consider having your car detailed. We can reccomend a good Auto Detailer who will go over every inch of your car, cleaning, buffing, sealing, shining. It takes nearly all day (about 5 hours) and will look a lot more presentable when he's done with it. Whether it's in a limo or in your own spiffed-up jalopy, arrive in style on your big day.

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