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There are so many details to think of when you're getting married, it's easy to overlook a few. For instance, most people aren't going to forget to hire a band or deejay for their reception but what kind of music will be played during the ceremony? Will someone sing or play piano? Have you chosen a song and do you have the sheet music for it?

Either way, live music or deejay, this is your day. This is one of the most important days of your life. Have it your way. Usually couples leave most of the musical decisions up to the professionals. What they like to choose for themselves is the music for the bride and groom's special dance. Sometimes they will also choose the song for the bride and her father/groom and his mother dance and for the wedding party's dance.

Whatever kind of music you choose, find someone who will take control and have a great personality to preform for you ceremony.

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