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Wedding Rings

The first wedding rings are said to have been made from braided hemp, rushes or grass and had to be replaced each year. We've come a long way since that time. Now, when we buy a wedding ring or a set, we expect them to last a lifetime or longer. And since the cost of rings can account for a tenth or more of the total wedding expense it's a good idea to know what you're doing.

It's important to shop around and compare prices. It's also important to buy from a reputable jeweler. You want a ring that's going to hold up through years of marriage. You also want a dealer who will work with you if there is a problem. One mark of a good jeweler is membership in the American Gem Society. It's also smart to ask family and friends for recommendations. Another mark of a good jeweler is one who will take the time to teach you about diamonds. Most jewelers offer a piece of advice for people shopping for diamonds. Have them teach you about clarity, color, cut and carat weight. Have them teach you to use the jeweler's loupe. I can't stress this enough. If they won't give you the jeweler's loupe or look funny when you ask, you're in the wrong place. The jeweler's loupe is the device jewelers use to inspect diamonds. It magnifies ten times and can tell you a lot about what you're buying. It can be demonstrated and learned within three minutes. With a little education you can become a semi-expert on diamonds.

Another recommendation is to shop for the wedding band or bands when you buy the engagement ring. At the least, be sure there will be a band that will fit the engagement ring. Many Jewelers warn that some engagement rings don't lend themselves to traditional wedding bands. Sometimes you end up having to custom-make a band that will sit flush with the engagement ring. Nowadays many couples find sets they like and don't have to go to the extra effort to find a band that will match their engagement ring. If you don't buy a set, think ahead a little or be prepared to wear two rings that don't sit flush against one another. Whether the groom chooses to wear a ring or not is a matter of personal taste but the trend is toward both spouses wearing wedding bands. The bride and groom's bands don't have to match. According to tradition, the bride pays for the groom's band.

If you want to get a ring that you'll still like thirty years from now, we recommend a Tiffany solitaire or a tapered baguette. Those are the classics. The styles are very timeless. The tapered baguette is a center diamond with a tapered baguette on either side. We are noting a trend toward platinum rings with a Victorian look. Anything that was popular at the turn of the century is popular now. We're in the same situation.

We also note a return of color to wedding and engagement rings. People are adding colored stones to their rings. So look for ornate rings with lots of detail, many of which are reproductions of Victorian rings. It's a fun time to be choosing wedding and engagement rings. Enjoy the search!

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